Found this DIY project via Mandy Paulino on Tik Tok and it inspired us to make one of our own. I think the stain looks beautiful and gives the room a rustic beachy vibe. I will list all the materials, tools and instructions that we used to create this coffee table. Im adding the measurements of our table below but it’s easy to alter the size if you need to make it smaller or bigger. I would suggest measuring the space you will be putting the coffee table in to make sure it fits your space before you start to build.

- 4 pieces of 2X10 yellow pine (could get away with 3 pieces if you want a smaller table)
- 8 corner braces to secure the legs
- 2 braces to secure table together (24 inches long)
- BEHR wood stain in “White Wash Pickling”
- BEHR wood stain in “Early American”
- Paint brush to apply stains
- Polyurethane clear satin stain
- Miter Saw
- Drill
- Orbital Sander + 220 grit sand paper
- Wire brush drill attachment
- Chisel (adds texture to sides, optional)
- Cut 3 pieces of pine to 50 inches each for the base of the table.
- Cut 8 pieces of pine to 16 inches each for the legs of the table.
- Using the wood glue, sandwich two leg pieces together. Repeat until you have 4 leg pieces.
- Using the wood glue, glue the inside edges of the table pieces together and lay flat on ground to dry.
- While the glue is drying, screw in the 2 table braces horizontally across the table. (See below for reference)

6. After the legs have dried, measure on the back of the table 7.5 inches in from each end where the legs will go.
7. Place two legs together centered on the table and 7.5 inches in from each end.
8. Once you have them placed where you like, outline the legs on the table with a pencil. Using the wood glue, place glue inside the traced lines as well as on the insides of the two pieces to sandwich together.
9. Place the two pieces on the glue and wait try dry. Repeat on the other side.
10. Drill the brackets on each side of the legs. Two on the outside and two on the inside of each leg.
11. Once things have dried, flip the table over and give it a good sanding using the orbital sander +220 grit paper.
12. After sanding, use the wire brush attachment on the drill to give your table some texture. As much or as little as you would like.
13. You can also use the chisel to carve the sides of table to give it a more worn look.
14. Once you are happy with the texture of your table, clean off the dust with a towel to prepare for the stain.
15. Apply one coat of the White Wash Pickling stain with a paint brush all over the table.
16. Once that has dried, using an old rag or towel, apply one coat of the Early American stain in a circular motion all over the table.
17. Although we didn’t see this done in the Tik Tok video we referenced, we decided to add two coats of polyurethane “clear satin” to seal the table.
18. Once everything is dried, your table is ready!!

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